Hey there. How's it goin'? Welcome to the fucking party.
Just wanted to remind everybody to check out "Blow Up The Sun" because I can't delete audio submissions anymore, apparently, and it's slipped off my front page, here. And hey while you're at it why not give "Waiting to Die" a listen as well. It's a fucking classic, here.
So... what I've done so far, artistically, in this life: 22 short stories, three novels, two novellas, one play, one film script (for one of the novels), one book of poetry, and 8 albums worth of music and lyrics (over 100 songs in all).
Nuts. The books and stories you can find here, at Lulu.com, or what's left of it.
And yes... still what's to come, hopefully before the zombie apocalypse or i die: another album, with 16 or 17 songs. craziness. you've heard 5 of them already, right? but they'll sound way better this time around. that's the big idea. everything will be better, faster, stronger. okay, one or two songs are getting slowed down just a little bit. i can't lie to you, newgrounds :) also there'll hopefully be another novel (the one with the immortal guy) and then another after that (with this girl skipping across parallel realities), as well as what i'm hoping will be two more collections of short stories - one with stories loosely based on mostly true events, fictionalized and dramatized, and the other with the most far-out sci-fi/fantasy/horror/comedy stories i've ever written. hopefully some weirder shit than you've everread in your life. You can already read "Little Black Hole" on scribd. that one's done already.
short, sharp, shock. that's the new shit. that's the big idea.