there was no apocalypse? oh well, i guess i'll have to get my shit together instead.
let 2012 be a lesson, kids. when they say "the world is ending!" it's probably not. unless you see it yourself, like, about to end.
in the meantime:
dystopian new wave grunge rock n' roll
blues + metal + pop = grunge
Nirvana + Pink Floyd + Tool + Beatles = Gunshy Army
So... okay. If you like any of the Grunge/Rock songs I've posted here over the years... then this is how you can show me.
First of all, you are HERE... right here, where it all began.
But if you can, you should go HERE - to the Gunshy Army Facebook Page - and click that silly 'Like' button thingy... it's really me behind the curtain!
And if you know ReverbNation, then you should definitely go HERE for some Gunshy Army streaming music and some of the OTHER hottest new artists while you're at it.
But if you still happen to use MySpace, then maybe try out THIS link, but if you don't it might just be fun to see if MySpace still even exists... right? Cuz it does. and they actually made it A LOT more music-centric. So LOTS and LOTS of Gunshy Army songs, in awesome high-quality... seriously. I'm not kidding.
And still, the best way to really help me (so far) and help us (make music) to help you (and us) make the world a better place in general is by buying any one of my self-published weird books in paperback or hardcover from this weird site that USED TO PUBLISH MUSIC, right?
So... yeah. Long live rock. Play it loud. Stay weird. Be well.
Also: if you want to read it before everyone else in the world does:
The Autobiography of Jesus X: a novel - it's not what you think. unless you think everything is wrong. then you'll love it. imagine if Hunter S. Thompson and Kurt Vonnegut collaborated on a new version of the Bible, and you get the gist.