[ed. note: revised standard 01-15-2009]
OH AND I just found out that i'm on iTunes.
http://itunes.apple.com/us/album/rever se-causality/id150859543
"Pride" and there's a remix of it on there for all you completionists, done by a nice fellow calling himself the Peach-Stealing Monkeys... this is awesome. it was, and still is an honor to be apart of that CD, as seemingly insignificant as it was, or is. it hasn't sold at all. it's cool. it's great just to be nominated.
P.s. [pre-script?]: oh and happy new year, btw
p.s. [now it's post-script!]: i do happen to have a new album out, of mostly Newgrounds material. this is the true Newgrounds Ross/Gunshy album, conveniently titled GUNSHY.
http://www.lulu.com/content/compact-di sc/%2bross---gunshy-%28cd%29/8085642
http://www.facebook.com/pages/ROSS/486 96261009
Times are tough all around, I know this. You can't find a job. Your parents don't have extra money. I know. Times are tough everywhere. The poorest country in this hemisphere just had one of the most devastating earthquakes in modern history. Times are tough everywhere. All I ask, all I've ever asked of this pulpit, or any, is just to give me a chance to help you. Help me succeed. Help me get a bigger audience to help make this world a better place with my music and writings and my general outlook on the world. It might not be bright and sunshiney all the time, but it's better than the bullshit that pervades our airwaves. Give me the chance to help everybody. Not just from this pulpit, soapbox, blog, whatever... from bigger ones. Success, if nothing else, grants words and emotions the chance to reach more people, more quickly. And that's anyone keeps in this life: words and emotions. They're all we really carry with us, in the end, and possibly beyond. Religion is bullshit. Politics is bullshit. Money is bullshit. They are all like weather. I really feel like if I could just get the chance to be more well-known, somehow respected more widely as an artist, to say these things out loud and articulate the argument in the heat of the moment in just such a way, I could become this mouthpiece of a generation. The things no one really seems to want to be. I think a lot of us here generally feel that way about ourselves, and possibly about my music and books. I can only hope, and try harder. But just surviving, and staying sane about it are proving difficult tasks. Times are tough all around. Some deeply personal and deeply unfair shit is going down in my life. And it's just the beginning. It's just the in-between time. So help me help you help us all get the fuck outta the rut, and get the word out about the music that I've made, the rants and stories I've written, and the fact that I exist as an artist... even if you think I fucking suck, tell people I suck and that they should check me out to see how much I suck. Thanks. And fuck you. :)
Stay classy, America.
ah "the birds"
your CD came today. even though I have heard every song on it besides "Helena Batshit Crazy" I still enjoyed it. I like having CDs rather than just mp3s on my iPod. Sometimes I leave my iPod places. Plus its nice to say I own every Ross Allaire CD. You own CDs and have mp3s. Sorta.
HOLY SHIT IM ON THE SLEEVE. I just noticed that.
I liked the "featured in" tidbits under a few of the songs. I didn't know that "Pride" made it into a compilation.
Anyhow, good luck with future releases. Keep churnin em out. Maybe this isn't what you wanna hear, but I think you're gonna be the next "Velvet Underground"; popular after you die.
Gunshy (Updated )
ain't that the fuckin truth!
you're on the sleebe!
lol fuck it
yep, pride was on a british compilation cd sold in at least (or at most?) three stores. last time i heard. fun stuff. there's also a remix of it with vocals and guitar that this other guy did. pretty interesting take on the piece.
oh that's here: http://www.tradebit.com/filedetai l.php/1398795-ugly-nephew-records
and: http://itunes.apple.com/us/album/
...under the moniker Gunshy. i hadn't yet realized there are at last 100 other bands/groups/artists known as Gunshy or some derivative of it.
how did the art come out? there's no spine text on purpose.
was the CD art lined up well?